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The Engelbart Mural
The mural, by Eileen Clegg and Valerie Landau, traces the evolution of systems, from 1925 to present, from the perspective of the life of Douglas C. Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse and other technological breakthroughs. Click on the image above to see the mural in your browser, 11 inches high by 73 inches wide. The original mural was done at a size of 4 feet high by 27 feet long.
History Map: Corporate & Executive Education
Th!nk Again at Google: Launching the Electric Car in Silicon Valley
Harnessing Brainpower in Silicon Valley – See the Digital Story
The idea of the meeting was to bring together some of the brightest minds from diverse backgrounds representing technology, the environment, academia, finance, organizational development , government, and politics with the electric vehicles in the Silicon Valley. Jan-Olaf Willums estimated there were 85 kilos of brainpower in the room that could be harnessed to think in new ways about the future organization. Participants each listed three talents they brought to the meeting — these talents were captured around the edges of the mural.
Into the Future
A glimpse of the technologies most likely to affect teaching and learning 10, 20, even 30 years from now.
Illustration appeared in Threshold: Exploring the Future of Education, Summer 2004, to accompany a story by Eileen Clegg.
Leveling the Learning Field
Learner Attributes: A Spectrum of Ailities
Illustration appeared in Winter 2005 edition of Threshold: Exploring the Future of Education.
Leveling the Learning Field